Should You Repair a Failed Servo or Replace one?

A failed servo motor is never a good thing. Aside from the expenses of halting production and the costly downtime of finding the right solution, there’s another important question to ask: Should I repair a failed servo or simply buy another motor? The correct answer to this question can mean the difference between a lengthy and expensive situation and a prompt return to production.


Units Repaired


Years Of Experience


Hour Technical Support

Repair vs. Replace

When deciding between repairing or replacing a servo motor, consider these factors
By taking a few minutes to gather some information on your options, you can determine very clearly which path will best minimize your costs. The servo motor repair specialists at Accu Electric Motors can help you weigh these options and make the best decision for getting back up and running at the least expense. Accu is dedicated to providing expert servo repair services at the highest level of quality possible, with a focus on turnaround time, customer service, extremely competitive prices, and one of the most comprehensive warranties available. We’ve partnered with hundreds of clients across Canada and the US, from Fortune 500 companies to smaller organizations. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you – call us 24 hours a day at 1.888.932.9183 or contact us for a free quote.

  • Why did the motor fail? What were the symptoms?
  • Is there a spare unit on hand that can be put into service?
  • Is the machine down? What is the cost of continued downtime?
  • What is the cost of a new motor? Is it immediately available or is there a lengthly lead-time until it can be
    delivered and put into service?
  • What is the warranty (in-service) for a repair?
  • Can you find a servo repair vendor willing to provide a free quote? Can they do so in a timely manner?
  • Is the repair vendor reputable? How long have they been repairing servo motors?
  • Even if the repair is more than 50% the cost of buying a new motor, can the machinery be running more quickly
    than buying new?

Contact Us today, and get a free consultation!